Family Faith Formation
“Family Faith Formation” is a type of Catechesis which engages the whole family - focusing on Christ as the primary teacher (for children AND parents!), honoring parents as the first and most important “matchmakers” between their children and Christ, and offering catechists who support both parents and children in deepening their relationships with Jesus, our Good Shepherd, who calls us each by name.
This model of catechesis replaces the familiar PSR/CCD religious education model of weekly classes for children with a family-centered model involving once-a-month family gatherings at the parish for parents and children together combined with materials for special weekly time set aside in the home for shared prayer, reflection, and discussion among all members of the family.
ANY family is welcome to register for this program – whether you’re expecting your first child or have children in high school, we invite and encourage you to be a part!
The core of our Family Faith Formation (FFF) program will be our meetings, held on the 4th Sunday of each month, after the 11am mass.
Below is a sample agenda for each FFF Meeting:
11:00-12:00 Families attend 11 am mass together
12:00-12:45 Lunch together in the Annex
12:45-1:30 Family Formation (Parents and Children together)
1:30-2:15 Adults and Children split – Adults receive adult formation, children participate in formation appropriate to their age level
2:15-2:30 Families come back together for closing prayer & reflection
In several months of the year, a second, optional, gathering will be offered on the second Sunday of the month after the 11 am mass. These gatherings will often be focused on preparation for a particular liturgical season (Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter) – where families engage together in activities, reflections, and practical work aimed at preparing hearts and homes for the celebration of our Church year!
If you would like more information about Family Faith Formation at St. Vincent's, please contact the parish office at 314.231.9328

Begin The Journey
Families with children from birth through high school are welcome and encouraged to be part of Family Faith Formation.

Volunteer with Children
In order for our Family Faith Formation program to thrive, we need the help of volunteers who are passionate about helping children of all ages encounter Christ and the mysteries of our faith.

Volunteer with Adults
We are seeking individuals who have raised children to serve as mentors and coaches for the parents in our Family Faith Formation program. If you are passionate about your faith and willing to share your wisdom and experience we would love for you to join us!